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Discussions & Reviews => General Discussion => Topic started by: TsGirl on Jan 08, 2023, 07:16 PM

Title: The Medical Benefits Of a Tantric Massage
Post by: TsGirl on Jan 08, 2023, 07:16 PM
London tantric massages have been around for thousands of years. Not only are these massages extremely sexy though but that longevity shows that there is a lot more to them than meets the eye. In fact, tantric massages are considered an alternative type of therapy and can actually be used to help with the treatment of various physical and emotional issues. We teamed up with the well-known tantric massage agency London Tantric to bring those of you thinking of trying a tantric massage in London who are curious about what health benefits there is a list that might push you in the right direction.

Lowering your blood pressure.

A lot of people think that London tantric massages have the opposite effect because of all the sexy elements that are going on. However, while there is a spike in blood pressure (usually due to the adrenaline and testosterone) at some point during your tantric massage in London the lasting effect is actually lowered blood pressure. This is due to the secretion of oxytocin, melatonin, and other hormones which naturally relax the body and lower blood pressure without the use of a pill.

Dealing with trauma

Another very common reason people get tantric massages is to deal with trauma surrounding sex and our bodies. What tantric massages do is offer a safe space where your body is being treated with kindness, love, and plenty of sensuality. You are in control and at any time you want to stop then you have the power. This is also something helpful for those members of the trans community suffering from dysphoria.

Helping you sleep

Tantric massages used to be performed in a massage parlor but now they have moved to the home. This is helpful for those people who want to have these massages to help them sleep. As mentioned above, all of the chemical compounds that are left in your body after a tantric massage in London are those that help you relax and for those that have a hard time sleeping this is definitely a plus.

Giving your immune system a boost.

Sensuality has been shown to give people a much-needed boost to their immune systems! Not only are you dealing with things in the present but also making sure that you are well taken care of for the future.

The Best Way To Relax

We all live stressful lives and while the idea of taking a day off and going to a spa or the gym the whole day might seem reasonable to some it truly is not a possibility for everyone. If you can't leave your home though there are still plenty of things you can do to relax. In fact, relaxing at home might make relaxing, in general, a lot easier because you start to associate home with relaxation.

If you have a couple of minutes and the willingness to actually take the time to relax at home here are a few easy steps that you can take which will turn your home (or at least part of it) into your own personal retreat.

Define an area for relaxation and keep it tidy. This is especially true for people that have children. No, your house will not be free of toys and chatter and craziness but you can designate an area of it that is just yours. Another thing you need to do is to keep this area tidy. Visual clutter is actually a lot more stressful than you might think and if you want to relax at home you need to make an effort to keep this sacred space clean.

Pick an activity that is adults only and have a damn good time. When I chose my space I decided that it was going to be my bedroom and I was going to have tantric massages in there. That's right, I made my bedroom a place of sensual relaxation. Tantric massages help me get away for an hour or two every week or once a month and now my bedroom makes me think of sensuality and comfortable sleep... not toys and clutter.

Of course, tantric massages aren't the only thing you can do to relax. A hot bath with a cup of wine or a book every evening will make you feel amazing. Just remember that sitting down in front of the T.V isn't going to be very relaxing... find something that is unlike anything else you do in the day and enjoy your relaxing time at home.

If you'd like to enjoy your very own tantric massage London experience then check out the aforementioned London Tantric.