Was ist ein Begleitagentur?

Started by TsGirl, Jan 07, 2023, 01:16 AM

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Die seriösen Agenturen sind im Alltagsgeschäft leider klar in der Unterzahl. Sie vermitteln Begleitung zu Anlässen wie Geschäftsessen, Bällen oder Vernissagen, wobei sich die Dienstleistung eindeutig darauf beschränkt. Dies wird meist auch in den Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen der jeweiligen Agentur festgehalten. Bei den meisten (unseriösen) Agenturen werden allerdings nur angeblich die Dienste für die Begleitung zu einem gesellschaftlichen Anlass gebucht.
In der Praxis werden die Dienste von Escort-Diensten jedoch zum größten Teil mit dem Ziel eines erotischen oder sexuellen Kontakts in Anspruch genommen. In Ländern, in denen Prostitution verboten ist, oder auch in Ländern, in denen die Prostitution zwar erlaubt ist, aber die Vermittlung von sexuellen Kontakten als Zuhälterei unter Strafe steht, sichern sich Escort-Agenturen, aber auch einzelne Escorts, mit dem Hinweis ab, dass die Bezahlung ausschließlich für die Begleitung erfolge, dass man aber schließlich Menschen, die aneinander Gefallen finden, nicht daran hindern könne, miteinander Sex zu haben.
Fast alle Escort-Agenturen bedienen sich heutzutage des Internets, um ihr Angebot zu bewerben. Je nach den rechtlichen Gegebenheiten werden auch Inserate in Tageszeitungen, Veranstaltungskalendern und anderen Medien geschaltet. Die Kunden können zu Hause aus dem Angebot wählen und dann per E-Mail oder Telefon buchen. Allerdings benutzen nicht alle Escort-Agenturen ausschließlich echte Fotos. Die Escorts werden oft von Fahrern der Agentur zu den Kunden gebracht und auch wieder abgeholt.

Was ist die Tätigkeit einer Begleitagentur eigentlich, oder wie sollte Sie aussehen?
Begleitagenturen übernehmen normalerweise das Vermarkten für die Escorts. Die Kunden-Akquise ergibt sich durch eine ansprechende Präsentation und Bewerbung der Escorts. Die Begleitagentur übernimmt für die Escorts die Erstellung einer Set Card, welche Fotos und die Beschreibung der jeweiligen Person enthält. Diese weicht von Set Cards für Modellagenturen insofern ab, als sie in der Regel digital ist und einen vermehrt erotischen Inhalt hat, sowohl von den Fotos als auch vom textuellen Inhalt her. Der Inhalt einer Set-Card ist stark abhängig von der Kundenorientierung der jeweiligen Agentur.
Da der erotische Aspekt jedoch in der Regel im Begleitservice stets vertreten ist, werden die persönlichen Eigenschaften und besonderen erotischen Dienstleistungen der jeweiligen Escorts mit in der Set Card aufgeführt. Die Präsentation der Set Card erfolgt heutzutage primär auf der Homepage der Agentur und auf lokalen Werbeportalen für Escort- und Begleitdienste. Sekundär wird Werbung in Tageszeitungen geschaltet und auf klassische Vertriebswege gesetzt. Google schließt seit 2008 die Bewerbung von Begleit- und Escort-Agenturen bei Google Adwords aus.
Der Kundenkontakt und die Kundenberatung, damit auch die Koordination der Buchungen, erfolgt durch die Begleitagentur. Neben der Kundenakquise ist dies ein zeitintensiver Bereich der Dienstleistung. Daher stellt es einen der Hauptgründe dar, wieso die Zusammenarbeit mit einer Begleitagentur gewählt wird, insbesondere von beruflich tätigen Escorts. Durch die Abgabe des Kundenservice wird eine Erreichbarkeit seitens der Kunden erreicht, ohne die Anrufe selbst beantworten zu müssen.
Der Sicherheitsaspekt während eines Begleit-Termins wird in der Regel durch telefonischen Kontakt gewährleistet. Indem eine telefonische Erreichbarkeit seitens des Escorts besteht und die Agentur als Ansprechpartner für den Kunden diesem signalisiert, dass der Termin begleitet wird, soll die Sicherheit für die Escorts erhöht und Übergriffe minimiert werden. Begleitagenturen bieten teilweise einen eigenen Fahrer-Service an, der durch mehr Präsenz eine zusätzliche Sicherheit gewährleisten soll.
Untersuchungen zeigen, dass Prostitutions-Kunden sich sowohl vom Altersdurchschnitt, Familienstand, Bildungsniveau, Berufs- und Einkommenslevel, als auch in Bezug auf psychische und Gewalt bezogene Parameter nicht von der durchschnittlichen männlichen Gesamtbevölkerung unterscheiden.
Die durch eine Begleitagentur gewährleistete, zusätzliche Sicherheit ist somit nur zu einem Teil begründet, da kein erhöhtes Gewaltpotenzial von Kunden ausgeht, aber durchaus vorhanden sein kann, jedoch entsprechend dem durchschnittlichen Gewaltpotenzial in der männlichen Bevölkerung.

Transsexual - Trans - Tv-Ts & Ladyboys UK Review Forum

Welcome to the Transgender, Ladyboy, and Crossdresser review forum! This forum is a space for people of all gender identities and orientations to share their experiences, ask questions, and engage in meaningful dialogue surrounding the transgender, ladyboy, and crossdresser community. The purpose of this forum is to provide a safe and supportive environment for members to discuss their thoughts and feelings in a respectful and understanding manner.

We recognize that gender identity and expression exist on a spectrum, and that everyone is unique in their own way. We’re here to provide a platform for members to express themselves and share their experiences with others in the community, as well as provide a space for members to ask questions and seek advice from others. We welcome people of all gender identities and orientations to join our forum and take part in the conversation.

Transsexual - Trans - Tv-Ts & Ladyboy Escorts Review Forum is an online forum dedicated to helping people find and review transgender escorts in their local area. The forum is open to anyone who is looking for potential companions, and it features reviews from both clients and providers. The forum also offers resources and advice on how to navigate the transgender escort scene safely and ethically. The forum also provides a safe space for transgender individuals to discuss their experiences and share their stories.

What You can Find on our Forum and Why you Should Join?

The United Kingdom is home to several Ts Escort Review forums and discussion boards. These forums are designed to provide a safe and secure space for members to discuss and review their experiences with transgender escorts and Ladyboy massage therapists. The forums also provide a platform for members to share advice and tips on finding the best provider, as well as to help connect people who are looking for similar services.

The main forum includes 2 general discussion sections ( 1. For Transgender Punters, 2. For Trans Sex Workers ) a section for reviews and experiences, a Q&A section and an area for trans members to Ask any questions in the sex industry. Members can also post their own questions in the General Discussions or share their experiences in Ts Escort Reviews Section with Transgender Escorts in the United Kingdom.

The UK also has several sub-forums dedicated to specific regions, such as London, South East England, South West England, East Midlands, Yorkshire, and the Humber, North West England, North East England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland & Ireland. Each of these forums contains a section for reviews, experiences, and advice regarding providers in the region.

For those looking for specific services, there are also several sub-forums dedicated to transgender massage therapists, Ladyboy massage providers, and parlours in the UK. These forums provide an opportunity for members to share their experiences and tips on finding the best providers in the region.

The forum also includes a section dedicated to Ts Clubs & Parties. Here, members can discuss upcoming events and parties, as well as share their experiences of attending such events. This is a great way for people to meet new people and make new connections in the transgender(LGBTQ+) community.

What Else Can You Find On This Forum?

Sex Work advice

Need some Sex Work advice? Then you can ask here and Other Trans Sex Workers will do their best to guide, help, advise, and suggest. This is a safe space for trans sex workers to ask questions, get advice, and connect with other members of the community in a respectful and supportive manner. Here you'll be able to find resources, tips, and advice on a variety of topics related to sex work. Whether you're looking for tips on safety, marketing, or legal advice, you can find them here. This is also a great place to ask questions, share experiences, and connect with other members of the trans sex work community.

Warnings & Time Wasters Experince and more!

The Warnings & Time Wasters feature provides a list of scams, frauds, and time wasters for trans sex workers. This list includes warnings about clients who have had an incident with a trans sex worker. This feature is a valuable tool for trans sex workers to help them identify potential bad clients and avoid wasting time with them. Additionally, the list can help to protect the safety of the trans sex worker by alerting them to the potential risk of a client. The feature can also help to create a sense of community among trans sex workers, who can share their experiences with each other and warn their peers about bad clients. This can give trans sex workers the peace of mind of knowing that they are taking all necessary precautions to protect their safety and their time.

Transgender Buddies

Buddy Link-up (Transsexual Buddies) is a community for transgender escorts and those looking for companionship. It is a safe and accepting place to connect with other transgender individuals in the United Kingdom, whether you are looking for someone to hang out with or just need someone to talk to. It is a place where you can find friends and support, and it allows you to create and maintain relationships with like-minded individuals. The Buddy Link-up platform provides a secure space to meet, chat, and socialize with each other, as well as a way to find local events and activities that may be of interest. Whether you are looking for a Bestie or Just a casual friendship, Buddy Link-up (Transsexual Buddies) will help you find what you need.

Travel Buddy 4 Sex Workers

Travel Buddy for Transsexual Sex Workers online forum that connects people looking for companionship and support during their travels. Here, Other Trans Sex workers can find transgender who is in the Business to join them on their journeys and explore new places together as well as for safety purposes!

Rental Apartments for Transgenders in the United Kingdom & Abroad

The rental Apartments for Transgenders UK section provides rental adverts specifically for the transgender, cross-dresser, and LGBTQ communities. Whether you're looking for a short-term stay or a long-term Flats or Spare room, You can share or Ask for Help with Accommodation across the UK. With a commitment to providing comfortable and safe rental spaces, these rental apartments are the perfect place for members of the transgender, crossdressers, and LGBTQ communities.

Transsexual & TS Escorts

Transsexual and TS Escorts Ads in the UK Section offer a unique way of advertising for those looking to offer their services in the region. These ads offer a wide range of services, from massage services to companionship, and are designed to be an effective way of reaching potential clients. The Ts Escort-ads can include photos, videos, and detailed descriptions of the services available. This can be an effective way of getting attention and connecting with potential clients. It is also a great way to connect with other transsexuals and TS escorts in the region, allowing for Transsexual Sex Workers to get MORE CALLS and MORE BUSINESS opportunities.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Who can join the forum?

A. This forum is open to anyone who identifies as transgender, ladyboy, crossdresser, or any other gender identity or expression. All genders, orientations, and backgrounds are welcome.

Q. What kinds of topics can be discussed on the forum?

A. The forum is a space to discuss topics related Transgenders in the Uk. The Ts Escorts Forum Board is a safe and secure platform for trans escorts and clients to share their experiences and advice. This forum board provides a platform to discuss topics related to the escort industry, such as safety and security, boundaries, marketing and advertising. Also provides resources to learn more about the profession of sex work and ways to stay safe, including advice on negotiating with clients and developing boundaries. As well as encourages members to share their stories, successes, and challenges in the escort industry, providing a supportive and welcoming environment for all.

Q. Is this forum a safe space?

A. Absolutely. We strive to create a safe and supportive environment for members to discuss their thoughts and feelings in a respectful and understanding manner. We have a zero-tolerance policy for any form of discrimination or harassment.

Q. What is the purpose of the forum?

A. The purpose of the forum is to provide a platform for members to express themselves and share their experiences with others in the community, as well as provide a space for members to ask questions and seek advice from others. We recognize that gender identity and expression exist on a spectrum and that everyone is unique in their own way.